I'm Cindy and here are some random acts of kindness

Coffee & Cocktails with Cindy: Funky Monkey!

Funky Monkey is a chocolate banana coconut coffee confection that makes me think of island breezes. Below are 3 cocktails sure to lead you through the palm trees and into the vacation fantasy of your dreams!

Before you begin pre-chill all cocktail glasses and prepare some TheQuenBean.com Funky Monkey coffee. I brewed mine in a French press using coarsely ground beans.  The coffee was poured into a carafe after brewing completed and chilled over night. For some added panache, blend chocolate sauce with sugar and rim your chilled glasses before serving.


Funky Monkey Rum-key

1.5 oz. Malibu rum (trademarked by them)
2 oz.  chilled TheQueenBean.com funky monkey coffee
1 banana.
Add ice to the blender (about 1/2 way full), add banana, rum, coffee, & blend baby blend …. then ….. drink baby drink!

Funky Monkey Martini

2 oz. vodka
2 oz. chilled  TheQueenBean.com Funky Monkey coffee

Fill cocktail shaker 1/2  way with ice, add coffee and vodka.

Then….. Shake-shake-shake, shake-shake-shake
shake your shaker, shake your shaker….

Then strain into chilled sugarcoated glass,  garnish with a big beautiful cherry and drink it.




No more monkeying around

2 oz. Kahlua
2 oz. Baileys
2 oz. half & half
1.5 tbsp. honey
2 tbsp chocolate sauce
2 oz. chilled  TheQueenBean.com Funky Monkey coffee

Fill cocktail shaker 1/2  way with ice,
add all ingredients, shake, strain and serve.
This is the equivalent of grown-up chocolate milk

To watch these cocktails being made be sure to check out Coffee & Cocktails with Cindy, and subscribe to our YouTube channel Mills Coffee /QB.

Enjoy, and remember to drink responsibly. No monkeying around!
xoxo Cindy

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