I'm Cindy and here are some random acts of kindness

Selected Publications

Production of globally uniform ISCCP Convection Tracking (CT) dataset and preliminary analysis results
C Wang, J Luo, WB Rossow, C Pearl AGU Fall Meeting
Abstracts, 2018
Global comparisons of regional life cycle properties and motion of multiday convective systems: Tropical and midlatitude land and ocean
B Vant-Hull, W Rossow, C Pearl Journal of Climate 29 (16), 5837-5858

Assessment of global cloud datasets from satellites: Project and database initiated by the GEWEX radiation panel CJ Stubenrauch, WB Rossow, S Kinne, S Ackerman, G Cesana, …Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 94 (7), 1031-104

GEWEX cloud assessment: A reviewC Stubenrauch, WB Rossow, S Kinne, S Ackerman, G Cesana, H Chepfer, …AIP Conference Proceedings 1531 (1), 404-407

Tropical precipitation extremes WB Rossow, A Mekonnen, C Pearl, W Goncalves, Journal of Climate 26 (4), 1457-1466
Évaluation des climatologies satellitaires globales des nuages: Projet et base de données du groupe GEWEX Radiation PanelCJ Stubenrauch, WB Rossow, S Kinne, S Ackerman, G Cesana, …La Météorologie
22‐year survey of tropical convection penetrating into the lower stratosphereWB Rossow, C Pearl, Geophysical research letters 34 (4)
Relations of polarized scattering signatures observed by the TRMM Microwave Instrument with electrical processes in cloud systemsC Prigent, E Defer, JR Pardo, C Pearl, WB Rossow, JP Pinty , Geophysical research letters 32 (4)

The sensitivity of land emissivity estimates from AMSR-E at C and X bands to surface properties
Norouzi, H; Temimi, M; Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., vol. 15, no. 11, pp. 3577–3589, 2011.
Structural characteristics of convective systems over South America related to cold-frontal incursions Siqueira, J. R.; Rossow, W. B.; Machado, L. A. Toledo; Pearl, C. ,Mon. Weather Rev., vol. 133, pp. 1045–1064, 2005.

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